Sample Questions
The Snapshot assessment contains two types of questions, forced-choice and situational judgment. The forced-choice questions measure six of the character skills; the situational judgment questions were designed to measure social awareness.
Forced-Choice Questions
Likert-type questions were written to measure initiative, intellectual engagement, open-mindedness, resilience, self control, and teamwork. A Likert-type question presents a statement (e.g., “I work hard”) and allows respondents to select an option on a scale (e.g., strongly disagree to strongly agree).

Situational Judgment Questions
With guidance from The EMA and ETS, 35 teachers from member schools constructed situational judgment questions, which present a scenario that usually describes a potential point of conflict between two or more people (e.g., a group of students, a student and a teacher, or a student and a parent). Each of these scenarios is associated with four possible ways of reacting to the situation, and the respondent is expected to evaluate the appropriateness of each of these reactions. These questions were designed to measure social awareness.

Download a set of sample Snapshot questions