EMA & ERB continue to progress on our path to merge. Read more.

Advance your skills.
Accelerate your career.
Achieve enrollment success.

All at no additional cost to EMA members.

A ticket icon to represent Learning Pass.

Non-Member Pricing
One Learner: $349/year
Unlimited Learners: $2,999/year

An icon of a lightbulb with an orange to yellow gradient.

Annual access to EMA’s Online courses 

Real-world learning with topics that include Admission & Retention, Analyzing Data, Creating Board Reports & Presentations, Financial Aid, Marketing, and DEI.

30+ courses available.
An icon of a compass with an orange to yellow gradient.

Engaging topics led by industry experts

Courses and sessions led by industry experts who’ll break down some of the most complex concepts and challenges facing today’s schools to help you grow your skills while keeping the course simple and engaging.
An icon of a certificate with an orange to yellow gradient.

Take charge of your career and success

Online courses offer the flexibility you need to learn at your own pace—anytime, anywhere. Choose to take all available courses or those that fit your needs and schedule.
Keep the learning, growing, and success going. 

See what admissions professionals have to say about Learning Pass.

"Learning Pass has given my school a leg up in how we operate in terms of best practices. It has made us a more efficient school and team. The first course I did was a course on Financial Aid. I was able to take that and take it to my CFO to discuss some ideas, which wouldn't have been possible otherwise."

Nate Lundy
Director of Enrollment Management & Strategy, San Francisco University High School, CA
San Francisco University High School, CA
Strategic Enrollment Spectrum

The work of enrollment leaders reaches far beyond admission. Learning Pass courses cover a spectrum of topics, from family engagement and retention to marketing, institutional strategy, tuition & finance, and much more.

Not a member yet? Join today to take advantage of EMA’s member-exclusive benefits.