G32+ Schools

We extend our gratitude to the group of educators who came together for the CSS summits from 32 schools (the "G32")—those schools participating in the Think Tank, recognized for innovative practices, and/or having expressed an interest in this work— as well as schools participating in pilot testing ("Plus"), who represent an intentionally wide diversity of school types: boarding and day; K-12, 9-12, K-8, and 6-12; coed and single sex (all boys and all girls schools); schools with varying kinds of academic programs; U.S. and international, including schools from Canada and China; and schools from a wide array of U.S. regions, from New Hampshire to Hawaii, from Texas to Washington state. Doug Price from Middlesex School (MA) expressed, "Although the participants came from a diverse group of schools, it was apparent that we shared the belief that current assessment tools are limited in predictive value, and the work we had gathered to do could only improve our ability to assess students.”