The Enrollment Management Association Establishes Early Childhood Working Group

In 2012, The Enrollment Management Association worked with researcher Chris Bigenho (Greenhills Schools, TX) to gather early childhood admission assessment methods used by our members for children in PK-2nd grade. We were surprised to discover IQ tests being used for admission purposes and given to children as young as three, and also learned that while group play assessment weighed heavily in admission decisions, each school we studied designed its own process.
With this focused working group, we seek to educate our members about new thinking and consider ways in which our community can improve its own practice in understanding young children and their development.
The working group will be led by Nancy Hayes, Director of Enrollment Management and Financial Aid at New Canaan Country School (CT), and supported by The Enrollment Management Association Chief Innovation and Technology Officer Pedro Martello and The Enrollment Management Association Senior Product Manager for Digital Content & Family Engagement Robyn Lewis.
Group members are:
• Eric Barber, Crossroads School (CA)
• Jay Lasley, Norfolk Academy (VA)
• Cheryl Plummer, Greenwich Country Day School (CT)
• Andrea Prothro, Second Baptist School (TX).