EMA & ERB are excited to announce our intent to merge. Read more.

with Leo Marshall 

We've all been there: The boarding school recruitment travel. Sorting through how to establish a cohesive and sane travel schedule; what cities and countries to visit and why; which fairs and, even, why fairs? Who to send? Consultants?!

A seasoned director who once even traveled to the middle of Sumatra with an armed guard to recruit students invites you to a conversation on how to plan your upcoming travel season and remain relatively coherent along the way. This will be an interactive session, so bring your questions.

For Boarding School Directors and Associates, but Day Admission Directors and Assistants are welcome! Who knows when your head is going to ask you to visit China?


Related Videos:

Marketing to International Third Culture Kid (TCK) Families

Developing a China Strategy

Yielding Chinese Applicants

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May 9, 2012
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