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Advice for New Admission and Enrollment Directors [S2.E13]

Christina Dotchin
June 13, 2023

Are you preparing for your first leadership position as an admission or enrollment director? Are you reflecting on your first year as a new admission director? If so, join me for a lively conversation with two of EMA's Admission Directors Institute (ADI) faculty members: Andrew Weller,  Dean of Enrollment and Strategic Marketing at St. Stephens & St. Agnes School (VA), and Brad Brown, Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management at Trinity School (GA). 

For more information about EMA's Admission Directors Institute, select the following link: https://www.enrollment.org/professional-development/seminars/adi

Resources shared in this episode:

Watkins, M.D. (2013). The First 90 Days.

Pink, D. H. (Host). This is how big time performers get the feedback they need. The Pinkcast. 

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Christina Dotchin
June 13, 2023

Christina Dotchin is the Vice President of Member Relations at the Enrollment Management Association (EMA). Christina oversees EMA's membership, business development, professional development, and marketing teams. This includes programs for over 1,200 independent schools and over 20,000 members. Before joining EMA in 2016, Christina served as the director of admission and financial aid at Proctor Academy (New Hampshire). During her 11 years at Proctor Academy, she also served as girls’ varsity ice hockey head coach, student advisor, and dorm parent. Christina holds a B.A. in English, with a minor in education, from Colby College and a Masters of Public Administration from the University of New Hampshire.

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