Supporting College Access and Success: How NPEA Can Help (Video)

with Karin Elliott and Zeva Levine, National Partnership for Educational Access
The National Partnership for Educational Access (NPEA) supports schools and programs in the college access and success field by providing forums for sharing best practices, facilitating connections between community-based organizations (CBOs) and PreK-16 schools, and networking in order to ensure that underrepresented students are on the path to and through college. Currently celebrating its 10th anniversary, NPEA is a membership association with more than 320 members in 35 states, including a community of over 1,500 individual education professionals. NPEA has something for everyone, from professional development webinars and monthly newsletters, to small local events, to one-on-one information requests, to our job board and annual conference.This informational webinar tells you how you can get involved, benefit from helpful services, share your work on a national platform, and connect with other schools and CBOs doing the work you do: supporting a diverse population of students on the path to a successful education and beyond.