Reading Season Resources

As enrollment offices prepare and launch into the admission year’s busiest season, we have curated a list of The Enrollment Management Association resources to assist you and your committee.
The Enrollment Management Association Resources
The Member Access Portal: includes resources such as
- Tutorials
- Score Report Interpretation video
- The Interpretive Guide to the SSAT
- Test and Scoring Briefs
MAP Help Page: Tutorials
Your Membership Associate
The Admission Committee
Portrait of an Admission Committee
Three x 3: Admission Committees
Ready, Set, Read! Preparing Your Admission Committee
Reading season is a marathon, not a sprint. To get your committee ready, it is important to set clear expectations to instill team spirit, reinforce camaraderie, and encourage committee members to take care of and pace themselves.
Let the Reading Begin!
As admission deadlines approach, we are pleasantly reminded that so many families are seeking the many opportunities independent schools offer. As you embark on reading season there are many ways to stay on track
Readying Your Admission Committee (Video)
How to get your school ready for reading season. Find out what you can do now to help your busy colleagues (admission office staff, administrators, faculty readers, coaches, and deans) select the best fit students for your school.
Fairness in Testing
Well-designed tests do not create differences; they only measure differences. From a testing/psychometric standpoint, these performance differences do not make a test “unfair” or “biased.”
Making Better Admission Decisions
The complexity of mentally juggling over a dozen pieces of information, while aiming to fulfill a dozen goals, exceeds the information processing capacity of our minds.
Success Predictors in Atypical Applicants
This presentation reviews several case studies of atypical applicants that present "risks" for the school in order to estimate the degree of risk among these applicants. Actual outcomes, predictors, and obstacles for students are considered in order to identify, with some accuracy, those students that have the potential to succeed.
Quantify Your Applicant Pool
Explore the many advantages of using a rating system to help you determine the applicants most likely to be successful at your school.
10 Things Every Admission Committee Member Needs to Know About the SSAT (1)
Ten Things Every Admission Committee Member Needs to Know About the SSAT (2)
Test scores are only as good as your ability to use them. Your admission committee may know how to read a score report (They don't? Visit your Member Access Portal for a video tutorial and additional resources), but here are 10 more things they need to be aware of to use the SSAT to its full advantage.
Understanding Your Chinese Applicants
Join Vericant's Chris Boehner as he explores the Chinese education system along with perspectives of Chinese applicants, parents and agents. He will examine current assessment methods and learn how to better adapt these methods when assessing Chinese applicants.
Evaluating the Chinese Applicant
How does one assess whether a Chinese candidate is qualified? Let’s take a step back and examine this question from a broader perspective.
Teacher Recommendations: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
We ask for teacher recommendations, but may not realize how deeply their use requires a level of trust between sender and recipient. This article details the ins and outs of receiving and reading recommendations.
Online App Reading – Lessons Learned
How can technology help our committee process be as efficient as the application process?
Apples to Apples: Comparing Applicants to Current Students
“What are the average SSAT scores for our school?” This information can appear on every score report you receive – if your school provides key information.
Data and Financial Aid
Financial Aid Training Series
Leading financial aid experts teach you and your team about financial aid strategy, using it as an enrollment tool, modeling, and much more!
The Aid Bucket Challenge
In practice, the “traditional” financial aid family is actually becoming less and less likely to get the help they need as the higher income families tip the scales in increasing ways.
Forecasting Yield: Science, Art, or Dumb Luck?
How do you ensure that you fill your school with the correct number of students – not too many, and certainly not too few?
Yield Prediction – The Science and Art of this Moving Target
One reality that is universal is the desire to, as accurately as possible, predict the number of families that will accept and/or decline an offer of admission.
Assessing Tuition Capacity of Full Pay Families
This presentation illustrates ways business or financial aid offices can better judge the income range of their full pay families.
Financial Aid: Practical Application
Case studies illustrate interpretation of taxes, verification of information, and how to make the corresponding changes within Comp*Assist Online. Particular emphasis and discussion will be placed on how professional judgment can impact the calculation of demonstrated need.
Financial Aid 201: A Science and an Art
Develop a more thorough understanding of financial aid methodology by reviewing step-by-step how a family's estimated contribution is determined.
Navigating the Changing Financial Aid Landscape
It is crucial that financial aid professionals, working in tandem with admission and business offices, assume a more strategic role beyond simply crunching numbers and relying on models such as tuition discounting to fill empty day spots or boarding beds.
Data Helps Predict Student Success, Outcomes
Using the SSAT Optimal Use Study to assist in decision making.