Meet Peter and Hans [Podcast Ep.1]

We’re so pleased to announce our brand new podcast series, focusing on interviews with industry leaders to explore the central tenets of SEM.
Released April 18, 2018 Let's catch up! Listen in for an introduction to The Enrollment Management Association's new podcast series, "The Enrollment Spectrum." Hear more about hosts Peter Baron and Hans Mundahl, their backgrounds and motivations, what they've been doing since their last podcast series, and learn about the ways they will use the podcast to unpack the central tenets of enrollment management strategy.
Introducing our New Podcast: The Enrollment Spectrum
Looking at trending demographic information, growing numbers of “stealth” applicants, and renewed focus on retaining the students you work so hard to enroll, it becomes very clear that a holistic, intentional process is essential for schools, nurturing students from prospect to alum. At
EMA, we’re focused on everything schools need to maintain and sustain, so we’re paying close attention to what we call the enrollment management “spectrum”: the facets that make up the entirety of strategic enrollment management (SEM) in schools. Encompassing a school’s entire journey with a family, every aspect of the spectrum is equally important. We’re so pleased to announce our brand new podcast series, focusing on interviews with industry leaders to explore the central tenets of SEM.
We’re so happy to get back into the podcast game after producing a successful series for Blackbaud together. We have an excellent lineup of interview subjects for you. Our first episode features a little background on us - what we’ve been doing since the last podcast series and what we hope to achieve with this one.
This podcast is meant for everyone who has a stake in the enrollment management of your school, including your admission office, administration, trustees, marketing and communications, the business office – anyone who has a vested interest in your school’s sustainability. It’s another tool EMA is offering to help you become familiar with, and well versed in, enrollment management trends and ideas.
We’ll release a new episode every other Tuesday, and you can listen here on the website, or on Apple Podcasts, or Google Play.
If you have an idea for a great interview subject, email us at and let us know!
Happy listening, friends!
Peter Baron, Chief Member Relations Officer, EMA Hans Mundahl, Head of School, Sant Bani School (NH)