First-Ever EMA Head’s Institute a Rousing Success

One of the highlights of the year for EMA was getting the go-ahead from our Board, with the support of the Edward E. Ford Foundation, to launch our first-ever Head’s Institute. We never could have imagined that the week-long event would far exceed expectations, nevermind build a new community of school leader strategists for the wider independent school industry.
Distinguished speakers included Salman Khan, author, visionary and Khan Academy founder; Americus Reed, Wharton Business School professor and renowned branding expert; John Gulla, Executive Director of the Edward E. Ford Foundation (which helped to finance the week’s events with a generous grant); Jeff Shields, President and CEO of NBOA (National Business Officers Association) and Hale Behzadi, Global Market Manager for Citi Private Bank.
The week-long Head’s Institute proved productive and inspirational for School Heads in attendance. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive; indeed, we’ve decided that the Head’s Institute will be an annual EMA offering. Here are just a few reactions from heads in attendance:
“This was the first conference that I have attended in a long time in which I felt challenged to grow in my role as head, and I was grateful for the opportunity to be able to do so from such talented and thoughtful individuals that presented and attended.”
— Kelley Waldron, St. Andrew’s School, GA
“I learned that while our schools are unique, we face many similar challenges and having the opportunity to share our concerns, ideas and strategies was invaluable. By the end of the week, my cohort turned into a group of new friends who I am certain I will reach out to in the future.”
— Julie Anderson, Cheshire Academy, CT
“As a new Head of School I had specific things I was hoping to get out of this. I realized quickly that our mission, our product, our brand, the people in our care, the people helping us meet our mission - all of those things are interconnected and critical to enrollment. I needed contact with other people facing these same questions. Now, I’m going back to work with content, resources, and a network of people and experts to call on. So, thank you!”
— Julia de la Torre, Moorestown Friends School, NJ
“Thanks, Heather, for a meaningful institute. I found it to be an exceptional combination of thought-provoking, informative, sobering, innovative, accessible, and inspiring.”
— Michael Ebeling, Summit School, NC
Look for a feature story on EMA’s first Head’s Institute in the fall issue of The Yield and keep an eye out for details about next year’s institute this fall.
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