EMA & ERB continue to progress on our path to merge. Read more.


Armen joined EMA’s Finance team in 2023 with a background in banking, program management, and non-profit accounting with over 25 years of experience.

Armen started his career in banking and then moved to thenon-profit sector. After Program implementation roles in Jinishian MemorialFoundation (JMF), USAID Financial Sector Deepening Project (USAID FSDP) andUnited Nations High Commissioner’s office for Refugees (UNHCR), he later movedto Administrative/Finance department of UNHCR office in Yerevan, tofinance/accounting position, where actively participated in worldwide implementationof new MSRP finance-administrative software.

Prior to EMA, Armen spent 14 years with the ArmenianMissionary Association of America (AMAA) as Financial Controller. He helped inthe implementation of Sage MIP software, as well as in establishing strongsystem of internal controls.

Armen has graduated from Yerevan State Institute of NationalEconomy with a master’s degree in management. In the spare time, he enjoystraveling and spending time with family and friends.

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