Seamless Data Integration
An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a data bridge that allows systems to share information and data. The Enrollment Management Association offers a robust, gold-standard API – a customer interface for technology products that allows software components to communicate. This data bridge allows admission offices to seamlessly integrate information and data between unique school databases or application management systems and the SSAT scores and SAO. This service is provided free of charge to members.* Once implemented, this integration is seamless and automatic; no other processing is involved.
What enrollment management softwares and databases integrate with the SAO via the API?
The SAO with Blackbaud, Education Brands (formerly Community Brands, which includes the inResonance, Senior Systems, and Ravenna platforms), Finalsite (formerly SchoolAdmin), OpenApply, Proof+Geist, and Veracross.

What if I don’t use one of these companies?
SAO data is delivered to schools in a standard, widely accepted industry format for exporting data: the .CSV file. These files are compatible with many database solutions once some initial data mapping is done. A school can map the fields in its database so that the data available for exporting through the MAP can be easily imported into its database or Student Information System (SIS). Database providers should be willing and able to support their clients in these efforts.
*The charge of data integration from a school's database vendor is not included.