The SSAT will be conducted in a locked down web application with live, remote proctors, data forensics and artificial intelligence (AI), such as facial recognition technology, audio and video monitoring...
There are two ways in which test scores are referenced: norm referencing and criterion referencing. The SSAT uses norm referencing...
Your student should be comfortable with typing, using scrap paper, having a check-in photo taken, and have a compatible computer and internet connection.
For registration and more SSAT instructions...
There are three SSAT levels...
PCs or Macs (laptops or desktops) with broadband internet and webcam capabilities can be used for home testing...
Official SSAT Guide Books and Official SSAT Practice Tests are available for purchase online to help students prepare for the SSAT and the SSAT at Home...
The SSAT at Home is the same standardized test as the SSAT, but it is delivered digitally to test takers in the convenience of their homes...
The SSAT at Home is the same format and length as the paper-based test, which is roughly three hours in length including breaks. Extra time will be required for check-in.