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Maile Uohara

Maile Uohara

Director of Enrollment Management and Admissions
Punahou School (HI)

A majority of Maile's career has been spent in service of advancing educational institutions. She is currently serving as the Director of Enrollment Management and Admissions at Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawaii, a K-12 independent school serving over 3700 students. Prior to this, she served as the Chief of Enrollment Management at the Silicon Valley International School in Palo Alto, California. Her independent school experience includes serving as a development associate, Director of Communications, and Director of Admissions and Financial Aid. A strong advocate for building relationships and working with fellow admission colleagues, Maile joined the Bay Area Director of Admissions (BADA) consortium, a grassroots organization that eventually incorporated into a nonprofit. Maile served as a founding board member upon incorporation, serving as the Director of Statistics. Before relocating to Hawaii, she proudly served as BADA's President and continues to be passionate about supporting families and schools in the independent school admission process. Currently, she proudly serves as a co-chair of EMA's Admissions Leadership Council.