EMA & ERB continue to progress on our path to merge. Read more.
David Darby

David Darby

Assistant Head: Enrollment Management
Lakefield College School, ON

David Darby began his career in education in 2003 as a classroom teacher in London, England. Teaching also took him to Australia before returning to Canada to become an enrolment management professional in 2009.

Over the past two decades, he has held many roles in public and independent school settings, including coach, advisor, committee and task force member and chair, and head of house. He is currently the Assistant Head: Enrolment Management at LCS in Ontario, Canada.

In addition to receiving a Master’s of Education in Educational Administration and Leadership, David has immersed himself in numerous professional development opportunities. He completed the CAIS LI and Next Steps programs and was a Balmer Scholar when enrolled in the USC Leadership in Enrollment Management certificate program.

Recently, David led a National Indigenous Discussion for CAIS and has contributed to EMA professional development opportunities. He led the inaugural book club, participated in podcasts, and shared insights through in-person and virtual EMA events and conferences focused on customer service, retention, and strategic enrollment management planning.