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Adam Choice

Adam Choice

Director of Admission and Financial Aid
The Bush School (WA)

Adam has been the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid at The Bush School in Seattle, WA since 2019 and will transition to Director of Enrollment Management on July 1, 2023. Prior to moving out west, he spent five years in Brooklyn, NY as the Associate Director of Middle and Upper School Admissions at The Packer Collegiate Institute, where he also coached basketball and baseball. Adam started his admissions career at his alma mater St. George’s School, a boarding school located in his hometown of Newport, Rhode Island. At all three schools, he has found joy in serving as the faculty lead for student affinity groups such as the Black Student Union, Young Men of Color cohort, and a mentoring program for male-identifying students to explore areas of gender and social issues.

In addition to his primary work at The Bush School, Adam serves on the Steering Committee and co-chairs the Equity and Access Committee for the Puget Sound Independent Schools consortium. He earned his undergraduate degree from Colby College in history, with a minor in education. In June, Adam will begin his pursuit of a master’s degree in Private School Leadership as part of the Klingenstein summer cohort at Teacher’s College of Columbia.