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Why should schools use The Snapshot?

Character Skills Snapshot
August 20, 2023
September 20, 2021

Families want schools to see a more complete picture of their students during the admission process. We, too, believe that students should be evaluated in a more holistic way that includes more personal elements in addition to the traditional elements of an application. The Snapshot offers students an opportunity to share information about their character with schools in a way that is consistent for all applicants.

The Snapshot measures a student’s preferences, attitudes, and beliefs about their character. It does not measure their behavior. Families want schools to see a more complete picture of their students during the admission process. 

The Snapshot provides additional information about an applicant to support the professional judgment of experienced enrollment management professionals.

 After rigorous development and testing, The Snapshot provides an additional element of non-cognitive data that schools can use to: 

 Connect to their mission 

  • Know their applicants better
  • Replace/reinforce teacher evaluations 
  • Reinforce already good non-cognitive focus 
  • Determine student fit and committee advocacy
  • Round out a holistic process with another dimension and another perspective
  • Find a diamond in the rough
  • Build classes with better balance

 One of our schools, Crossroads, created a short video of what The Snapshot means to them.  It is featured on our website at Crossroads Video.

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