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What EMA products collect demographic information (including gender and ethnicity data)?

August 20, 2023
August 4, 2022

Student and Parent demographic information—including gender and ethnicity—is shared with schools that the family chooses when applying via the SAO, sending SSAT Scores, or sharing Snapshot results. This information is also shared with schools when families opt-into our service to connect families with schools that may be the right fit. Data shared with schools is done via secure portals.

  • SSAT Score reports to schools: Student gender data (Female, Male, Self-Identify and self-identify open response, or Prefer Not To Respond) is included with other biographic data such as First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Address, and Phone Number. Student Gender is not considered while calculating SSAT scores and percentiles. Sex at Birth, Race, and Ethnicity is not included with SSAT score reports.

  • Character Skills Snapshot results: Student gender data (Female, Male, Self-Identify and self-identify open response, or Prefer Not To Respond) is included with other biographic data such as First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Address, and Phone Number. Student Gender is not considered while calculating Snapshot results. Sex at Birth, Race, and Ethnicity is not included with Snapshot results.

  • Standard Application Online (SAO): SAO includes expanded biographic and demographic data including student and parent Pronouns, student Gender, Sex at Birth, First Language, Race, and Ethnicity data with other biographical data to help receiving schools learn about the prospective student. Families manage this information in the student's profile.
  • School-Connection Service: Student and parent Pronouns, student Gender, Sex at Birth, First Language, Race, and Ethnicity is included in this opt-in service with other biographical data to help receiving schools learn about the prospective student. Families manage this information in the student's profile.
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