How do we know that The Snapshot provides a reliable, valid measurement?
The data collected and analyzed following multiple field trials and operational use by more than 35,000 students who had taken The Snapshot over a two-year period allowed The Enrollment Management Association to conclude that The Snapshot is a reliable assessment.
Snapshot Validity
The Enrollment Management Association conducted several content validity studies to determine if The Snapshot is measuring the intended seven character skills. Through several research activities, The Enrollment Management Association concluded The Snapshot exhibits content validity.
The Enrollment Management Association also collected predictive validity evidence for The Snapshot following students who participated in the field trial, through to their first year at school. The focus of these studies was to collect data to further support the valid use and interpretation of the results of The Snapshot for admissions purposes. Findings from approximately 700 students indicated the seven Snapshot character skills are related to multiple outcomes deemed important by admissions professionals.
The EMA continues to collect validity research for students, and future validity studies to evaluate the usefulness of Snapshot results for purposes other than admissions are currently being planned, and their results will be reported as they become available.