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How was The Snapshot developed?

Character Skills Snapshot
August 20, 2023
September 20, 2021

The Enrollment Management Association established a character assessment working group called the “G32” that was comprised of 46 member schools. This group worked with The Enrollment Management Association over the course of several years to guide the development of The Snapshot.

The Enrollment Management Association collaborated with admission directors, heads of schools, and teachers from more than 56 independent schools to develop The Character Skills Snapshot. Assessment development experts from the Educational Testing Service wrote some of the questions, and others were written by teachers and admission professionals from independent schools. It has been through rigorous pilot testing with approximately 12,000 students enrolled in or applying to independent schools across the country.

To learn more about the past and ongoing development of The Snapshot, please refer to the Summary of The Snapshot  Research and Findings.

We also have a podcast with Dr. David Holmes, co-founder and co-director of the Institute on Character and Admission, and Meghan Brenneman, Ed.D., former Director of Character Assessment Programs at The Enrollment Management Association, on the website (Click Here).

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