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Can I export or integrate data from the SAO into my system?

Standard Application Online (SAO)
August 20, 2023
September 19, 2021

A student's Biographic Profile contains all the data about the student, their parents, address information, interests and activities. This data is available in CSV and PDF formats. Schools can export the biographic data and then import that using the Excel functionality into their student information systems or enrollment management systems. That data will aid in creating a student record to tag additional files. Schools can download the biographic profile in PDF to tag them in their systems or print those for paper records. All application components and recommendation forms can be downloaded or printed in PDF format. For instructions to download information, see How to Download Application Pieces (PDFs) from the Standard Application Online (SAO).​

You can integrate the SAO with your systems or with existing admissions software from the following partners using our API, which is used by more than 300 schools today.  

Our partners include:

  • OpenApply
  • InResonance
  • onBoard
  • Proof
  • SchoolAdmin
  • Senior Systems
  • Veracross
  • Ravenna


Integration Benefits:

With eight current partner providers and more than 300 schools using the API to integrate their data, member schools are experiencing numerous benefits:

  • Paperless admission office
  • Reduction of operational costs
  • Increased productivity (elimination of manual data entry, reconciliation, and printing needs)
  • Reading process efficiencies
  • Mundane data entry eliminated; refocus of precious time on the strategic use of readily available student data for marketing and recruitment
  • Full control over what data you want and how you want it to appear in your unique database

The API integration is
free of charge for members, however, your SIS/EMA/Admission software partners may charge for their implementation.

Integration Background:  

Most schools work with providers to develop a single source for the data systems needed on campus—from student records to homework and notifications. Collecting data from the Standard Application Online (SAO) and moving it into these systems has proven challenging for many admission offices in the past. We knew it was essential to collaborate in order to allow our members to take full advantage of this powerful service. In 2013, taking the lead on feedback provided by member school users of the SAO, we partnered with some of the industry’s foremost system providers to venture into the API (Application Programming Interface) economy and develop a robust, gold-standard API — a customer interface for technology products that allows software components to communicate. This data bridge allows Admission/Enrollment Management offices to integrate information and data between unique school databases and the SAO seamlessly.

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