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How do I create an SAO Supplement?

Standard Application Online (SAO)
August 20, 2023
September 19, 2021

You can create supplements in SAO 3.0 using the Form Builder tool that is embedded in your setup wizard. All supplements are electronic and are designed to allow schools to add custom questions that are otherwise not included in the standard forms. There are many custom design options to choose from.

Before you begin a Supplement Form, however, we highly recommend that you first review the Standard Forms in order to eliminate redundancy.

If you created a Supplement Form previously, you will see it as part of any setup you create moving forward. Mark the Supplement Form as Required, Optional, or Not Required — as preferred. You can copy the existing Supplement Form to create a newer updated one for the setup.

When you are ready to build your Supplement Form, there is a step-by-step presentation to walk you through it in our Learning Center at https://learn.enrollment.org/sao/how-to-create-a-supplement.

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