Member Minute: Does Your Website Pass the Whofer Test?

Welcome to EMA’s Member Minute where I’ll be teaching you an actionable strategy, tip, trick, or hack to help you meet your enrollment goals - all in about a minute.
Your website is one of your most important admission and marketing tools. According to our research 25% of families say your website is the primary way they conduct research on your school and a full third of families never reach out to you until they fill out an online form.
And yet many school websites fail the whofer test. A ‘whofer’ is a short statement that indicates who you are for. Who yer fer, get it? Your whofer should include the ages and genders you serve with bonus points for teasing your value proposition or location.
Try to keep it to a sentence or two and put your whofer in the footer of every page on your website. This will not only help your site visitors know who you serve, but will also be helpful for SEO.
Something like, “Awesome Academy is an independent, coed, high school for students who want to make a difference in the world.”
That’s been your Member Minute! If you have a question or a comment you can find me in EMA's Member Community!