Join the Conversation—Our New Member Community is Growing

Several years ago at EMA (back when we were still SSATB), our staff conducted an impactful facilitator-led exercise where we developed the internal core values for our work. The goal of this exercise was to weave a common thread through all the work and contributions of our various departments. That common thread is our service to you, our members. This served to unify our efforts and motivate us as a team.
Throughout this exercise, we broke into small groups and had brainstorming sessions and one word kept coming up again and again—community.
Not only did the word community describe our industry and the constituents we were serving, but it described our internal culture at EMA. We are our own community, working together to help deliver the best research, tools, and training to our members.
The notion of community is powerful. It’s about sharing knowledge and resources, networking, commiserating, and even crowd-sourcing our challenges. We are all part of something greater, beyond our schools and our careers.
And so it is our hope that our new members-only online community can become your go-to resource for finding and sharing information, raising questions, and connecting with other enrollment professionals. We couldn’t be more proud than to deliver our new online community to you as part of your membership. We hope you will use this space to ask thoughtful questions, help your peers, keep up with the trends, and expand your own personal community.
Just like our team at EMA, we want you to feel assured that you are working towards common goals with your colleagues. We can always learn from each other and our online community is the place to do that.